Thursday, February 14, 2008

Grammy's Fashion

So every year the Grammy's come, I watch half, criticize the music and the system and the self-obsessed artists, then halfway through, I give up all hope and go to my room to listen to music that I actually like. There are, however, good aspects to the Grammy's. The few respectable people that actually show up are fairly well dressed, I must admit. And I happen to think Jason Bateman is quite charismatic :)


Corinne Bailey Rae in Luella

Natasha Beddingfield

Bai Ling

1 comment:

When I Think About You I Touch Myself said...

we LOVE feist!

too bad she got nominated so much and is so popular or she wouldve come herreeeee with broken social scene so sad

did i tell you bss is coming?